Student Bias and Discrimination Guidelines

Franklin & Marshall College

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last updated
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The College is committed to addressing bias-related behaviors. Acts of bias may occur in our community in spite of our proactive efforts. These Guidelines will define bias-related behavior, provide a reporting procedure for complainants of bias-related behavior, and suggest resources to victims of bias-related behavior. Students who report bias-related behavior may be contacted for clarifying information and can expect to have a discussion about the College’s response and the suitable options for resolution. In response to certain cases of bias-related behavior, education to prevent recurrence and to repair the harm caused may be the most appropriate institutional response. When an instance of bias-related behavior reaches the level of discrimination, disciplinary action may result.


Bias-Related Behavior: Bias-related behavior broadly encompasses actions that may involve the use of images, language or behaviors that directly or indirectly demonstrate hostility or contempt toward a person or group on the basis of actual or perceived identity.


Bias-related behaviors frequently involve speech. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish such speech from the open and respectful expression of ideas and opinions. Some points to consider when differentiating bias-related behavior from protected speech include the following:

  • Speech that conveys reasoned opinion, principled conviction, political satire, or speculation does not necessarily constitute bias-related behavior, even though it may challenge people’s perspectives or comfort.

  • Claiming that the speech is merely an expression of ideas or opinions is not a sufficient defense against an allegation that the behavior is bias-related when that speech unreasonably or substantially interferes with an individual's safety, security, or educational opportunities by creating an intimidating or hostile educational or working environment.

Bias-related behaviors as defined above are not tolerated on the Franklin & Marshall College campus and will be addressed through educational and/or disciplinary means.


Here are examples of bias-related behaviors that are inconsistent with F&M’s values:

  • Deliberate and/or repeated humiliation and degradation;

  • Directly commenting discriminatory ideas and beliefs on someone’s social media;

  • Deliberate interference with the life or work of an individual with a disability;

  • Imitating a disabled individual;

  • Desecration of religious articles or places;

  • Repeated, unwanted proselytizing;

  • Repeated interference with the reasonable pursuit or practice of religion;

  • Repeated insults about loss of personal and professional competence addressed to an older person;

  • Outing someone as a member of the LGBTQ+ community;

  • Use of a racial, ethnic, or other slur directly to target or identify someone;

  • Telling racist or sexist jokes related to another’s real or perceived identity such that they create a hostile or demeaning environment;

  • Exploitative, hostile, or derogatory cultural appropriation;

  • Drawing or creating pictures that imitate, stereotype, or belittle/ridicule someone based on another’s identity (real or perceived) in a manner inconsistent with;

  • Racist or derogatory graffiti or images/drawings;

  • Vandalizing personal property.


If a policy violation is found: any educational processes and/or outcomes issued will be based on the nature of the incident. Any prior conduct violations; similar cases; and any other relevant facts may be taken into consideration. Possible outcomes could include: A change in disciplinary status (Warning, Reprimand, Probation, Suspension, Expulsion), educational opportunities, mentoring/personal coaching, No Contact Orders, and/or any other outcome set forth in the.

