Student Handbook: Standards of Student Conduct- Preamble

Arkansas State University

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    Policies on Tolerance, Respect, and Civility
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The following principles are part of the collective expectation of the members of this community relative to personal conduct.

Ethical Behavior — The pursuit of a higher education is a privilege. Associated with that privilege is an obligation to aspire to a set of principles and values that demonstrate a commitment to fairness, honesty, empathy and achievement.
Morality — Members of a learning community commit to the ideals of appropriate human conduct. This lifestyle seeks to harm no one and attempts to be a positive contributor in every interaction.
Respect — Every member of this community should seek to gain and demonstrate respect. Members should hold one another in high regard. Each individual should conduct himself or herself in a manner worthy of that regard, which is gained by decent and correct behavior.

The learning community at Arkansas State University does not intend to be prescriptive regarding the personal beliefs and value systems of its members. However, this community does believe that it has a right to expect its members to demonstrate personal responsibility and integrity in word and deed.
