Campus Safety: Security and Campus Safety Policies- Hate Crimes / Bias Crimes Policy

Bates College

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
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Bias Incident: Bates College defines a Bias Incident as “any event of intolerance or prejudice, not involving violence or other criminal conduct, intended to threaten, offend or intimidate another because of the other’s race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age or physical or mental disability. Examples of bias incidents may include hate speech, gay bashing, racist epithets, religious slurs, sexist jokes or cartoons, hate mail, offensive graffiti, or disparaging remarks on social media sites. Such incidents create a socially divisive atmosphere for members of the community targeted and negatively affect the campus climate.â€


The Bates Community Response Team (BCRT) is a group of senior administrators who work to assess campus climate and to ensure a comprehensive institutional response to bias, discrimination, and hate crimes. Bates College Campus Safety personnel coordinate with the BCRT because security personnel are listed as report takers for Bias/Hate Incidents that activate and inform the BCRT. Additionally, the Campus Safety Director serves as a member of the BCRT.
