The Maverick Guide: General University Policies- Chalking

Colorado Mesa University

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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The sidewalks within the boundaries of the University may be used as billboards to advertise specific events open to the campus community. Notice of events should be placed no more than five days prior to an event and you must remove them the day after the event. The University allows expressive chalking within a stretch of sidewalk between Tomlinson Library and Wubben Hall, as a place where students can express their thoughts. We ask that this area be a continuation of the Academy’s mission – a conversation to the greater community, a conversation of respect and civility. This area is open from Monday at 12:00 a.m. until Thursday at 11:59 p.m. The zone will be cleaned regularly to allow new comments.

Chalking should remain on sidewalks, not on University buildings. Students found to be defacing University property may be charged through the campus discipline process.
