Student Judicial Handbook: General Standards of Conduct- Decorum

Delaware State University

  • Speech Code Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Policies on Tolerance, Respect, and Civility
  • Last updated
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Students are expected to refrain from using four-letter words, obscenities, and non-verbal behavior that is not acceptable under Delaware State University’s standards of decency when communicating (verbally, nonverbally, or in writing) with parents, students, visitors, professional staff, and others on university premises or during university activities. This policy does not extend to private conversations where no one present is offended by the language but does include any communication in public where others may overhear and be offended by the conduct or behavior. Nor does this policy extend to any communications protected by the first amendment. Violations may be subject to judicial action under the category of verbal abuse and, where applicable, insubordination (see violations for details).
