Anti-Harassment Policy

Franklin & Marshall College

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    Harassment Policies
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This policy applies to all faculty and professional staff of the College; unpaid College volunteers; student workers; students; trustees of the College; and visitors, contractors, and vendors to the College.


Harassment is unwelcome and offensive behavior that intimidates or discriminates against an individual or group based on gender, sex, race, national or ethnic origin, birthplace or ancestry, color, religion, age, disability, veteran’s status, pregnancy or childbirth, sexual orientation, or membership in any other protected group based on federal, state, or local law. It is behavior that has the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, which interferes with an individual's ability to perform his/her job. Harassing behaviors may be verbal, written, or physical.

Prohibited behaviors, when severe or pervasive and which have the effect of discriminating against and/or intimidating a College employee or student, can include:

  • Verbal Harassment or Abuse – employing slurs, epithets, or insulting jokes which reference gender, sex, race, national/ethnic origin, color, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation; other inappropriate or derogatory comments, questioning, or innuendos which reference a protected class; threats
  • Visual Harassment or Abuse – displaying, posting, advertising, or distributing material that is offensive, indecent, or abusive which references gender, sex, race, national/ethnic origin, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or any other protected class; making obscene gestures