REG 70.00.4: Responsible Use Regulation

North Carolina Central University

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    Internet Usage Policies
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6.11 Use of electronic mail messages or Web pages that constitute invasion of privacy, harassment, defamation, threats, intimidation, or discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, disability, age, religion, or sexual orientation.

6.12 Unacceptable use of email and personal use of NCCU email.

6.12.1 NCCU users shall exercise due care when addressing email correspondence to ensure that the correspondence is addressed correctly and that the intended recipient is authorized to view content within emails or documents. Examples of email content that constitute unacceptable use include the following:

6.12.2 Private or personal for-profit activities. This includes personal use of email for marketing or business transactions, advertising of products or services or any other activity intended to foster personal gain.

6.12.3 Unauthorized not-for-profit business activities.

6.12.4 Seeking/exchanging information, software, etc., that is not related to one's job duties and responsibilities.

6.12.5 Unauthorized distribution of confidential data and information including the unauthorized use of email auto-forwarding.

6.12.6 Use for, or in support of, unlawful/prohibited activities as defined by federal, State and local laws or regulations.

6.12.7 Matters concerning political activities as prohibited by State law and University policy.
