REG 11.55.02 - Use of University Space

North Carolina State University - Raleigh

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
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5.1  Advance Notice

Groups and individuals must reserve the use of space for their activity before the proposed time and date of the event (the “notice requirement”).  The university may waive the notice requirement for good cause shown.

5.1.1For outdoor uses of University space, the notice requirement is at least two (2) university business days.

5.1.2  For use of other University space (including indoor space), the notice requirement shall be set by the Responsible Administrator.  The notice requirement for such use is typically thirty (30) calendar days.


5.5.2  In order to provide a safe and secure environment for the campus community and visitors, additional security will be provided for Major Events as necessary based on a security assessment by University Police.  The security assessment will consider objective criteria including:  the number of anticipated attendees, whether the proposed event involves an activity or structure that poses a risk of personal injury or damage to University property; the location where the event is to be held, time of day when the event will be held, number of entry and exit points, traffic control, whether the group intends to charge admission to the event, any prior incidents of injury or property damage during similar events at the University or other institutions, and the type of event.


5.8  Unscheduled Outdoor Uses

5.8.1  Occasionally, events occur which may result in immediate and spontaneous speech or gatherings (“unscheduled use”). It is not the intent of the university to limit students’ and University employees’ right to assemble or protest when such events occur.  Unscheduled uses may occur by Student Groups, Students, and University employees provided that the activity does not interfere with university activities as described in this Regulation or any events or functions for which the occupied space has been reserved in advance.

5.8.2  Although not required, to further the effectiveness of the unscheduled use, University Units, Student Groups, students, and University employees are encouraged to contact Student Centers and Events and provide advance notice about the activity.  Advance notification enables the University to help ensure that the activity does not conflict with a reserved or scheduled use, takes place in a constructive manner, the event is effective, to safeguard the participants’ safety, and to assist organizers in seeing that the activity does not disrupt the University’s educational activities and essential processes.

5.9  Small Gatherings

Gatherings involving twenty-five (25) or fewer students and/or University employees may occur at any outdoor campus area without reserving space, provided that the space is not already reserved or scheduled.  However, such gatherings are still subject to all applicable university Policies, Regulations and Rules, including the conditions of section 4 above.  Accordingly, the University encourages all groups or individuals planning an activity involving the use of outdoor space to contact Student Centers Events to discuss how these provisions might apply to the activity.
