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ݮƵAPP’s Case at URI Hits the Media

FIRE’s defense of the College Republicans at the University of Rhode Island (URI) has gained the attention of local and national media, including a front-and-center spot on today’s homepage of FOXNews.com. The accompanying article by Melissa Drosjack explores our fight for the College Republicans’ right to advertise a satirical “scholarship,” despite the Student Senate’s demand for an apology. Today’s issue of The Boston Globe also ran a story from the Associated Press that highlighted our efforts at URI.
Also, Torch readers can listen online this Monday at 8:10 a.m. Eastern for a live radio interview with ݮƵAPP’s own Robert Shibley on . Robert will discuss the state of affairs at URI, along with other recent ݮƵAPP cases.
For a full account of ݮƵAPP’s coverage in the media, including daily updates of articles on URI and other ݮƵAPP cases, please visit our In the News page.

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