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Enacted Campus Free Speech Statutes – Iowa

In 2018, Iowa enacted , now .
SF 274 Summary
SF 274 requires institutions to adopt policies similar to the , prohibits the use of “free speech zones,” and provides protections for student organizations.
Key Provisions
- Requires state Board of Regents and the board of directors of each community college to adopt policies similar to the ;
- Eliminates “free speech zones” at public institutions of higher education in the state;
- Protects student organizations by ensuring public colleges and universities cannot deny “benefits or privileges based on the viewpoint of a student organization or the expression of the viewpoint of a student organization”;
- Ensures colleges and universities do not discriminate against student organizations that require that leaders of the organization agree to and support the organization’s beliefs; and
- Allows people whose expressive rights are protected by the bill to file a complaint with the governing body of a public college or university.
FIRE Commentary