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Faculty Letter in Support of Hamline University Instructor, January 3, 2023

Hamline University

Note: The below letter was sent to Hamline University President Fayneese Miller on January 5, 2023, and ݮƵAPP invites additional faculty to add their names to the list of signers. Titles are for identification purposes only. Faculty who are interested in joining this letter may email facultyoutreach@thefire.org.

To: President Fayneese Miller 

Cc: Associate Vice President for Inclusive Excellence David Everett, Dean Marcela Kostihová, and Board of Trustees

We are deeply concerned by reports that Hamline dismissed a faculty member for presenting pedagogically relevant artwork depicting the Prophet Muhammad during an art history class session on Islamic art.

The notable piece, which has been and extensively since the 14th century, enriches students’ understandings of Islamic history, the life of Prophet Muhammad, the nature of Qur’anic revelations, and the significance of religious iconography. 

Therefore, in presenting the image, the instructor was exercising academic freedom for one of its core : to introduce students to “the best published expressions of the great historic types of doctrine upon the questions at issue,” and “to provide them access to those materials which they need if they are to think intelligently.

Moreover, the instructor, out of respect for some Muslim students’ religious convictions, stated in the syllabus that Islamic images would be presented, and that participation in the visual exercise and discussion would be optional. Before presenting a slide of the painting, the instructor also reportedly the class.

After a student complained, the instructor emailed the student to apologize. But this was deemed insufficient. Associate Vice President for Inclusive Excellence David Everett sent an all-staff email the Islamic image and classroom exercise as “undeniably inconsiderate, disrespectful, and Islamophobic,” later declaring, “it was best that this faculty member was no longer part of the Hamline community.” 

The instructor reportedly received no due process. Everett never spoke with the instructor or allowed the instructor to explain the pedagogical purpose of the class activity before being dismissed from teaching scheduled courses in the spring. 

You and Everett also blatantly disregarded the instructor’s academic freedom when you in an email that “respect for the observant Muslim students in that classroom should have superseded academic freedom” [emphasis added]. Yet your university to academic freedom and “the examination of all ideas, some of which will potentially be unpopular and unsettling.” As ݮƵAPP has explained, “blanket bans on displaying pedagogically relevant material are not acceptable at a university that commits to academic freedom.”

Your egregious actions violate the rights of faculty to educate and of students to receive an education. If content has the potential to offend, will it be censored? The chilling effect of your actions is inevitable. 

FIRE explained in a previous, successful lawsuit that although an institution may generally decline to renew a contract for a good reason, a poor reason, or no reason at all, it cannot do so for retaliatory reasons, including retaliation for exercising free speech and academic freedom rights.

Thus, we join ݮƵAPP in calling on Hamline’s leadership to reverse course by immediately reinstating the instructor, with no further penalties.


  1. Nadine Strossen, John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law Emerita, New York Law School
  2. Jonathan Haidt, Professor of Ethical Leadership, New York University Stern School of Business
  3. Christiane Gruber, Professor of Islamic Art History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  4. Mark Berkson, Professor and Chair, Department of Religion, Hamline University
  5. Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science, Yale University
  6. Jeremy C. Young, Senior Manager, Free Expression and Education, PEN America
  7. Dorian Abbot, Associate Professor, Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago
  8. Ken Abrams, Professor of Psychology, Carleton College
  9. Dennis Adams, Instructor, Oregon State University
  10. Anthony W. Addison, FRSC, ACSF, FRACI, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Drexel University
  11. Jonathan H. Adler, Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
  12. Dr. Roger L. Albin, Anne B. Young Collegiate Professor of Neurology, University of Michigan
  13. Jason Aleksander, Associate Dean of Faculty Success and Research, San Jose State University
  14. Adey Almohsen, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of History, Grinnell College
  15. Albert W. Alschuler, Julius Kreeger Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago Law School
  16. Dr. Roham Alvandi, Associate Professor of International History, London School of Economics and Political Science
  17. Dr. Gregory Anderson, Professor of Physics and Chair Department of Earth Science, Environmental Science and Physics, Northeastern Illinois University
  18. Kelly Anthony, Continuing Lecturer, School of Public Health Sciences, University of Waterloo
  19. Andrew L. Aoki, Faculty Senate President, Augsburg University
  20. Dr. Brian Artese, Senior Lecturer, Department of English, Kennesaw State University
  21. Lyell Asher, Associate Professor of English, Lewis & Clark College
  22. Christopher P. Atwood, Professor & Chair of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania
  23. H. Robert Baker, Associate Professor of History, Georgia State University
  24. Boaz Barak, Professor of Computer Science, Harvard University
  25. Kedron Bardwell, Professor of Political Science, Simpson College
  26. Dr. Kathleen Barker, Professor, Department of Psychology, Medgar Evers College, CUNY
  27. Megan Bartlett, Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis
  28. Emily Basham, Licensed Architect, LEED AP. Adjunct Faculty, Department of Architecture, College of DuPage
  29. Steven Bauer, Emeritus Professor of English, Miami University
  30. Alexander T. Baugh, Associate Professor, Swarthmore College
  31. Francis J. Beckwith, Professor of Philosophy, and Resident Scholar in the Institute for Studies of Religion, Baylor University
  32. Evelyn Behar, Associate Professor of Psychology, Hunter College, City University of New York
  33. Dr. Andrea Bell, Professor Emerita, Department of Modern Languages, Hamline University
  34. Sean Bellaviti, Adjunct Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
  35. Dr. Lutz Berger, Professor of Islamic Studies/Turkology, BAföG officer, Christian Albrechts University in Kiel
  36. Jay Bergman, Professor of History, Central Connecticut State University
  37. J. A. Bernstein, Associate Professor of English, University of Southern Mississippi
  38. Marit Berntson, Professor of Sociology, Roanoke College
  39. David Bertioli, Professor and Distinguished Investigator, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, University of Georgia
  40. Robert R. Bies, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Director of Graduate Studies (Pharmaceutical Sciences), School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University at Buffalo
  41. Jeremy Biles, Associate Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  42. Dr. Evrim Binbaş, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Bonn
  43. David Blackbourn, Cornelius Vanderbilt Distinguished Chair of History, Vanderbilt University
  44. Russell Blackford, Conjoint Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Newcastle, Australia
  45. Cynthia Bland, Professor of Contemporary Art History, University of Wisconsin–Stout
  46. Dr. Eric Blix, Assistant Professor of English, Valdosta State University
  47. Jeff Bloodworth, Professor, Gannon University
  48. Paul Bloom, Professor of Psychology,  University of Toronto, & Brooks and Suzanne Ragen Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Yale University
  49. Dr. Jeanne M. Boeh, Sundquist Endowed Professor of Business Administration & Chair, Business Administration Department & Professor of Economics, Augsburg University
  50. Peter Bornschein, Part-Time Lecturer, Department of History & Philosophy, Eastern Michigan University
  51. Paul Brodwin, Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  52. Kingsley R. Browne, Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School
  53. Don Brownlee, Emeritus Professor of Communication Studies, California State University, Northridge
  54. Matthew Brunner, Assistant Professor of Hematology, University of Wisconsin
  55. James E. Bryan, Professor of Art History, University of Wisconsin-Stout
  56. Jean-Bernard Bucky, William Dwight Whitney Professor of Arts and Theatre Emeritus, Williams College
  57. Cynthia Burack, Professor, The Ohio State University
  58. Dr. Diana J. Burgess, Professor of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
  59. Lora Burnett, Lecturer, Merritt Writing Program, University of California, Merced
  60. Dr. Steven Burston, Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol, U.K.
  61. Robert Buzzanco, Professor of History, University of Houston
  62. Dr. Joseph Campbell, Adjunct Professor, Booth University College
  63. Edward Cantu, Associate Professor of Law, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law
  64. E. Wayne Carp, Benson Family Chair in History and Professor of History, Emeritus, Pacific Lutheran University
  65. Philippa Carter, Teaching Professor, Society, Culture & Religion Program, McMaster University
  66. Bruno Chaouat, Professor of French, University of Minnesota
  67. Francesco Chiabotti, Maître de conférences en islamologie - INALCO Paris
  68. Dr. Ileana D. Chirila, Assistant Professor of French, University of New Hampshire
  69. Krishnan Chittur, Professor Emeritus, University of Alabama in Huntsville
  70. Lisa Church, Associate Professor of Accounting, Rhode Island College
  71. Geoffrey Clark, Professor of History, State University of New York at Potsdam
  72. Donald Clarke, Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School
  73. Joseph L. Clarke, Associate Professor Associate Chair & Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Art History, University of Toronto
  74. Nevin Climenhaga, Senior Research Fellow, Dianoia Institute of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University
  75. Andrew Jason ("A.J.") Cohen, Professor of Philosophy, Georgia State University
  76. Dr. Andrew Cohen, Professor Emeritus, Art History of India, Monmouth University
  77. Dr. Mark Collard, Canada Research Chair in Human Evolutionary Studies & Professor of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University (Canada)
  78. Joseph Conti, Associate Professor of Sociology and Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  79. Will Cooley, Adjunct Professor of History, Hamline University
  80. Kevin L. Cope, Robert and Rita Wetta Adams Professor of English Literature, Louisiana State University
  81. Roger Copeland, Professor Emeritus of Theater and Dance, Oberlin College
  82. Jonathan Cornick, Professor, Queensborough Community College/CUNY
  83. Elsa Cortina, Profesor Invitado, Universidad de San Andrés
  84. Elizabeth Coville, Assistant Professor (Retired), Department of Anthropology, Hamline University
  85. Robert Cowgill, Associate Professor of English, Augsburg University
  86. Franklin Cox, Associate Professor, Wright State University
  87. Clayton E. Cramer, History Adjunct Instructor, College of Western Idaho
  88. Kenneth Culton, Associate Professor of Sociology, Niagara University
  89. Azzurra Crispino, Professor of Philosophy, Austin Community College
  90. Donald Crowell, Instructor of Physics and Chemistry, Adolfo Camarillo High School
  91. Matthieu Dalle, Associate Professor of French, University of Louisville
  92. James Davenport, Associate Dean for Social Sciences & Professor of Political Science, Rose State College
  93. Dr. Jason W. Davidson, Waple Professor 2022-24, Political Science and International Affairs, University of Mary Washington
  94. Marc J. Defant, Professor, University of South Florida
  95. Jeffrey Dell, Professor, Texas State University
  96. Huzeyfe Demirtas, PhD Candidate and Teaching Associate, Department of Philosophy, Syracuse University
  97. Brian Dennison, Professor of Physics Emeritus, Virginia Tech & Professor Emeritus, University of North Carolina-Asheville
  98. Veena Deo, Professor Emerita, Department of English, Hamline University
  99. Ricardo Depine, Profesor Titular Consulto, Departamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  100. Amadeus Diamond, Certificate of Legal Studies, Auckland University of Technology
  101. Dr. Dorothee Dietrich, PhD, Professor Emerita, Department of Psychology, Hamline University
  102. Jonathan Dingwell, Professor, Penn State University
  103. Joel A. Dubin, Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, and School of Public Health Sciences, University of Waterloo
  104. Richard F. Duncan, Sherman S. Welpton, Jr. Professor of Law & Warren R. Wise Professor of Law, University of Nebraska College of Law
  105. George A. Dunn, Community Associate, Indiana University - Indiana
  106. Joshua Dunn, Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs
  107. Brandon Dupont, Professor, Department of Economics, Western Washington University
  108. Keith Eggener, Marion Dean Ross Distinguished Professor of Architectural History, University of Oregon
  109. Dan Eisenberg, Associate Professor, University of Washington
  110. Carl Elliott, Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota
  111. Jonathan L. Entin, David L. Brennan Professor of Law Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Case Western Reserve University
  112. Richard A. Epstein, Laurence A Tisch Professor of Law, New York University School of Law
  113. Daniel Ehnbom, Associate Professor Emeritus, McIntire Department of Art, University of Virginia
  114. Kevin Falvey, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Santa Barbara
  115. Jack Feldman, Professor Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology
  116. Brian Fencl, Professor of Art, West Liberty University
  117. Christopher J. Ferguson, Professor of Psychology, Stetson University
  118. Pat M. Fidopiastis, Professor of Microbiology, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
  119. Leonard Finegold, Emeritus Professor, Department of Physics, Drexel University
  120. Dr. Stephen C. Finley, Associate Professor, Department of African & African American Studies, Louisiana State University
  121. Will Fithian, Associate Professor of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley
  122. Dr. Edo Forsythe, Professor, Head of Dept. of English Language and Literature, School of Liberal Arts, Hirosaki Gakuin University
  123. Jennifer A. Frey, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of South Carolina
  124. Kip Fulbeck, Distinguished Professor of Art, University of California, Santa Barbara
  125. Gabriel J. Gardner, Associate Librarian & Interim Associate Dean, California State University Long Beach
  126. Dr. Effy George, Lecturer, First Year College, Victoria University, Australia
  127. Daniel Gilbert, Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, Harvard University
  128. Eleftherios Gkioulekas, Professor, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
  129. Michael J. Glennon, Professor of Constitutional and International Law, Tufts University
  130. David Glicksman, BA(Hons), University of Portsmouth
  131. Susan Glosser, Associate Professor of History, Lewis & Clark College
  132. Michael Golluber, Professor, St. John’s College
  133. Benjamin Golub, Benjamin Golub, Northwestern University
  134. Daniel Gordon, Professor of History, University of Massachusetts
  135. Moti Gorin, Associate Professor, Department of Philosphy, Colorado State University
  136. Kurt Gray, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  137. Daniel Greco, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Yale University
  138. Dr. David F. Greene, Chair, Professor, Department of Forestry, Fire, and Rangeland Management, California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
  139. Jeff Greensite, Professor of Physics, San Francisco State University
  140. Michele Greet, Director, Art History Program, George Mason University
  141. Darij Grinberg, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Drexel University
  142. Daniel Groll, Professor of Philosophy, Carleton College
  143. Karen Gross, Professor of English, Lewis & Clark College
  144. Lawrence Grossman, Professor Emeritus of Geochemistry, University of Chicago
  145. Anna Grzymala-Busse, Michelle and Kevin Douglas Professor of International Studies, Stanford University
  146. R. Kim Guenther, Professor Emeritus, Hamline University
  147. Adam Gussow, Professor of English and Southern Studies, University of Mississippi
  148. Melissa Gwyn, Associate Professor of Art, University of California Santa Cruz
  149. Mark Halperin, Professor and Chair, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Davis
  150. Raja Halwani, Professor of Philosophy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  151. Peter Harris, Associate Professor of Political Science, Colorado State University
  152. Raymond Hames, Professor of Anthropology, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
  153. Keith J. Hand, Professor of Law, University of California
  154. Russell Hart, Faculty, MPS in digital photography, School of Visual Arts
  155. Dr. Georgina Harvey, Retired Biomedical Scientist
  156. Jessica Hehman, Professor, University of Redlands
  157. Steven Heine, Professor, University of British Columbia
  158. Andrew R. Heinze, Professor Emeritus, History, University of San Francisco
  159. Coel Hellier, Professor of Astrophysics, Keele University (U.K.)
  160. Dennis Hejhal, Professor of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
  161. Peter C. Herman, Professor of English, San Diego State University
  162. Stephen Hicks, Professor of Philosophy, Rockford University
  163. Dr. Michael J. Hicks, George & Frances Ball Distinguished Professor of Economics, Ball State University
  164. Dr. Oliver Hobert, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University
  165. Susan Hohenberger, Research Faculty, Johns Hopkins University
  166. Terry Horstman, Graduate Creative Writing Programs Administrator & Instructor, Hamline University
  167. Jeff Howe, Associate Professor, School of Journalism, Northeastern University
  168. Michael Huemer, Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder
  169. Brett Ingram, Associate Professor of the Practice, Boston College
  170. Alexander Jabbari, Assistant Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Minnesota
  171. Andrew T. Jacobs, Professor of Speech / Communication Studies, SUNY Rockland Community College
  172. Nadia Jamil, Senior Instructor in Classical and Modern Standard Arabic, University of Oxford
  173. Daniel Jasper, Associate Professor, College of Design, University of Minnesota
  174. KC Johnson, Professor of History, Brooklyn College & CUNY Graduate Center
  175. Matt Johnston, Associate Professor of Art History, Lewis & Clark College
  176. Garett Jones, Associate Professor of Economics, George Mason University
  177. Jeffrey M. Jones, Professor Emeritus Medicine, University of Wisconsin Medical School
  178. Jonathan Jones, Professor of Physics, University of Oxford
  179. Dr. Steven Jongewaard, Professor Emeritus, School of Education, Hamline University
  180. Jacqueline Jung, Professor of History of Art and Medieval Studies, Yale University
  181. Lee Jussim, Distinguished Professor, Rutgers University
  182. David G. Kamper, Laboratory Manager, Brown University
  183. Georgy Kantor, Associate Professor of Ancient History, University of Oxford
  184. Matthew Kapstein, Professor emeritus, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, Academic associate, The Divinity School of the University of Chicago
  185. Zvi Kedem, Retired Professor of Computer Science, New York University
  186. Holger L. Kern, Associate Professor, Florida State University
  187. Stephen Kershnar, Distinguished Teaching Professor, State University of New York at Fredonia
  188. Jason Kilborn, Professor of Law, University of Illinois Chicago
  189. Anny King, Emeritus Director, Language Centre, University of Cambridge
  190. Jerry Kirkpatrick, Professor Emeritus, International Business and Marketing, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
  191. Jytte Klausen, Lawrence A. Wien Professor of International Cooperation, Brandeis University
  192. Artyom Kopp, Professor, University of California Davis
  193. Gilly Koritzky, Associate Professor, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
  194. Matthew H. Kramer, Professor of Legal & Political Philosophy, Cambridge University
  195. Robert S. Kramer, Professor of History, St. Norbert College
  196. Mark Kuperberg, Department of Economics, Swarthmore College
  197. Elizabeth Kusko, Associate Professor of Political Science, William Peace University
  198. Scott Laderman, Professor of History, University of Minnesota, Duluth
  199. Luke Larter, Graduate Student, University of Texas at Austin
  200. Gabriel Laverdière, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Literature, Theatre and Film, Laval University
  201. Catherine Lawless, Director, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies, Trinity College
  202. Joseph P. Laycock, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Texas State University
  203. Dr. Karen J. Leader, Associate Professor of Art History, Florida Atlantic University
  204. Joseph K. Leahy, Professor of Law, South Texas College of Law-Houston
  205. James J. Lee, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  206. Mark R. Lee, Professor-in-Residence , University of San Diego School of Law
  207. Dr. Jason Lepojärvi, C.S. Lewis Associate Professor of Theology & Literature, George Fox University
  208. Daniel Lempert, Associate Professor of Politics, SUNY Potsdam
  209. Rebecca Lesses, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Ithaca College
  210. David Levene, Professor of Classics, New York University
  211. Daniel S. Levine, Professor of Psychology, University of Texas at Arlington
  212. Andrew Lipman, Associate Professor, Department of History, Barnard College, Columbia University
  213. Dr. Matthew Lister, Associate Professor of Law, Bond University Faculty of Law, Australia
  214. William M. London, Professor, Department of Public Health, California State University, Los Angeles
  215. Dr. Darrell Long, Distinguished Professor of Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz
  216. Victor Louzon, Assistant Professor in History, Sorbonne Université
  217. Marc Lowenstein, Faculty, Herb Alpert School of Music, California Institute of the Arts
  218. John Lowery, Department Chair & Professor, Student Affairs in Higher Education, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  219. Dr. Alex Lubet, Professor of Composition, School of Music, University of Minnesota
  220. Steven Lubet, Williams Memorial Professor Emeritus, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
  221. Sandra Lucas, Teacher of English as another Language and Technology (retired), Saint Paul Public Schools
  222. Carl Lund, Associate Professor of Professional Education, Bemidji State University
  223. Adam Mack, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts Department, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  224. Dr. Douglas MacKay, Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  225. Edouard Machery, Distinguished Professor, University of Pittsburgh
  226. Richard MacLehose, Professor, University of Minnesota
  227. Judith Madera, Associate Professor of English, Wake Forest University
  228. Jeff Mann, Associate Professor of Creative Writing, Virginia Tech
  229. Jonathan Marks, Professor of Politics, Ursinus College
  230. Luana Maroja, Professor of Biology, Williams College
  231. Matt Marsden, Environmental Educator, Penn State University
  232. Mark Martin, Associate Professor of Biology, University of Puget Sound
  233. Cynthia Martin, Associate Professor of Russian, University of Maryland, College Park
  234. Dr. Chris C. Martin, Lecturer, Psychology and Core Studies, Oglethorpe University
  235. Dr. Wolfgang Marx, Associate Professor, School of Music, University College Dublin
  236. Andre Marquis, Associate Professor of Counseling and Human Development, Warner School, University of Rochester
  237. Tarek Masoud, Ford Foundation Professor of Democracy and Governance, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
  238. Bruce Matthews, Professor of Philosophy, Bard College & Bard High School Early College
  239. Timothy Matyjewicz, Instructor of Speech, Tarrant County College
  240. Adrian Maung, Associate Professor, Yale University
  241. Dane Mauer-Vakil, PhD Student, School of Public Health Sciences, University of Waterloo
  242. Terry Mauer, Adjunct (Retired), Department of Psychiatry, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
  243. Kenneth R. Mayer, Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  244. Jason McCarley, Professor, School of Psychological Science, Oregon State University
  245. Steven McCarthy, Professor Emeritus, College of Design, University of Minnesota
  246. Neil McLaughlin, Full Professor, Sociology, McMaster University
  247. Kevin R. McNamara, Professor Emeritus of Literature, University of Houston-Clear Lake
  248. David Merli, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Franklin & Marshall College
  249. Jon Merritt, Assistant Professor of History, Miles College
  250. William Messing, (Emeritus) Professor, School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
  251. Ann Neville Miller, Professor of Communications, University of Central Florida
  252. Dale E. Miller, Professor of Philosophy, Old Dominion University
  253. Steven Miller, Professor of Mathematics, Williams College
  254. Michael E. Mills, Associate Professor, Psychology Department, Loyola Marymount University
  255. David Misch, Lecturer, UCLA Extension
  256. Gregory C. Mitchell, Chair and Associate Professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Williams College
  257. Dr. George H. Monahan, Professor of History, Suffolk County Community College
  258. Kevin Moore, Lecturer, San Jose State University
  259. Sadredin C. Moosavi, Adjunct Faculty, Rochester Community Technical College
  260. Llewelyn Morgan, Professor of Classics, Brasenose College, Oxford
  261. Stephen J. Morse, Ferdinand Wakeman Hubbell Professor of Law & Professor of Psychology and Law in Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
  262. Paul Morton, Adjunct Instructor, Film Program, Seattle University
  263. David Moshman, Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  264. Peter Moskos, Professor of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
  265. Matthew Mulvaney, Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Science, Syracuse University
  266. Jeremy Ravi Mumford, Associate Professor of History, Brown University
  267. JaneAnne Murray, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School
  268. Diana C. Mutz, Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of Political Science and Communication, University of Pennsylvania
  269. Saul Myers, Professor Humanistic Studies, Maryland Institute College of Art
  270. Stan Nadel, Professor, University of Portland–Salzburg Austria Center
  271. Cary Nelson, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  272. José Vicente Neglia, Lecturer, Department of Music, University of Hong Kong
  273. Chad Niederhuth, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University
  274. Dr. K. L. Noll, Professor, Religion Department, Brandon University
  275. Danny Noorlander, Associate Professor of History, SUNY Oneonta
  276. Magnus Nordborg, Scientific Director, Gregor Mendel Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
  277. David Njus, Professor of Psychology, Luther College
  278. Barbara Oakley, Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Oakland University
  279. Graham Oddie, Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Colorado Boulder
  280. Matthew H. Olson, Professor Emeritus, Hamline University
  281. Camilo Ortiz, Associate Professor of Psychology, Long Island University Post
  282. M. Gerard O'Sullivan, Professor ad honorem, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota
  283. Ian Pace, Professor of Music, City, University of London
  284. Arietta Papaconstantinou, Associate Professor, University of Reading, U.K.
  285. Jonathan Parry, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, London School of Economics and Political Science
  286. Philip Pecorino, Professor of Philosophy, CUNY, Queensborough Community College
  287. Robin Pemantle, Professor of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania
  288. Benjamin L. Pérez, Adjunct Faculty (English), Menlo College
  289. Andrew Pessin, Professor of Philosophy, Connecticut College
  290. Dmitri A. Petrov, Michelle & Kevin Douglas Professor of Biology, Stanford University
  291. Jeffrey Podoshen, Professor of Marketing, Franklin & Marshall College
  292. Dr. Aaron Preston, Professor of Philosophy, Valparaiso University
  293. Richard Prystowsky, Former Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services (Retired), Marion Technical College
  294. Adam Przeworski, Carroll and Milton Petrie Professor Emeritus, Department of Politics, New York University
  295. Molly Przeworski, Professor of Biological Sciences, Columbia University
  296. Joel Pust, Professor of Philosophy, University of Delaware
  297. Marisol Quintanilla, Nematologist, Michigan State University
  298. Dr. Jesse Rabinowitz, Adjunct Professor, College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University
  299. Siddharth Ramachandran, Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Boston University
  300. Dr. Pradeep Ramanathan, Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, California State University, East Bay
  301. Animesh Ray, Professor of Systems Biology and Genomics, Henry Riggs School of Applied Life Sciences, Keck Graduate Institute
  302. Dr. Claire Reddleman, Lecturer in Digital Humanities, University of Manchester, UK
  303. Todd Reeves, Associate Professor, Northern Illinois University
  304. Stuart Reges, Teaching Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington
  305. John Reinitz, Professor of Statistics, Ecology & Evolution, and Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology, University of Chicago
  306. Lev Reyzin, Professor of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
  307. Guillem Riambau, Assistant Professor of Economics, Barcelona School of Economics (Universitat de Barcelona)
  308. Sean C. Rife, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Murray State University
  309. Keith Riles, Professor of Physics, University of Michigan
  310. Dr. Paul Rinzler, Professor of Music, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
  311. Alberto Rivera Gutiérrez, Professor, University of Minnesota/Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
  312. Paul Roach, Faculty in Anthropology, Century College, St. Paul
  313. Dr. Susan P. Robbins, Cele S. and Samuel D. Keeper Endowed Professor in Social Justice, University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work
  314. Randy Robertson, Associate Professor of English, Susquehanna University
  315. Eric P. Robinson, Associate Professor, University of South Carolina
  316. Joel Nathan Rosen, Associate Professor of Sociology, Moravian University
  317. Barbara Rosenow von Schlegell, Visiting Scholar, Department of Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College
  318. Dr. Frank Rosinia, Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
  319. David Ross, Professor Emeritus (Mathematics), Rochester Institute of Technology
  320. Grant Rost, Associate Professor of Law, Liberty University School of Law
  321. Jeffrey Sachs, Instructor, Politics and History & Classics, Acadia University
  322. Leon Sachs, Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies, University of Kentucky
  323. Isabelle Sacramento-McJilton, Lecturer, San Diego State University, San Diego
  324. Michael Saks, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Rutgers University
  325. Catherine Salmon, Professor of Psychology, University of Redlands
  326. Khaldoun Samman, Professor of Sociology, Macalester College
  327. Ruth Sample, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Philosophy, University of New Hampshire
  328. Saswati Sarkar, Professor, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
  329. Toby Saunders, Biology Laboratory Coordinator, University of West Georgia
  330. Keith Sawyer, Morgan Distinguished Professor in Educational Innovations, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  331. Jon D. Schaff, Professor of Political Science, Northern State University
  332. Stefano Schiavon, Professor of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
  333. Katherine Schipper, Thomas Keller Professor of Business Administration, Duke University
  334. The Reverend Dr. Frederick W. Schmidt, Senior Scholar, Inaugural Holder of the Rueben P. Job Chair in Spiritual Formation, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
  335. Howard G. Schneiderman, Professor of Sociology, Lafayette College
  336. Keith Schwab, Professor of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology
  337. Dr. Kevin Schwandt, Adjunct Instructor, Department of English, Hamline University
  338. Dr.  Reinhard Schweitzer-Stenner, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, Drexel University
  339. Dr. Joey Senat, Associate Professor, School of Media & Strategic Communications, Oklahoma State University
  340. Prathi Seneviratne, Associate Professor of Economics, Carleton College
  341. Timo Seppalainen, John and Abigail Van Vleck Chair of Mathematics, Mathematics Department Chair, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  342. Rajiv Sethi, Professor of Economics, Barnard College, Columbia University
  343. Cass Sever, Visiting Lecturer in Sociology, Mount Holyoke College
  344. Norman Siebrasse, Professor of Law, University of New Brunswick
  345. Julia Sienkewicz, Associate Professor of Art History, Roanoke College
  346. Dr. Katherine J. Silvester, Professor of Accounting and Business Law, Siena College
  347. David Shafer, Chair, Department of History, California State University, Long Beach
  348. Dr. Prakash Shah, Reader in Culture and Law, School of Law, Queen Mary, University of London
  349. Marc B. Shapiro, Weinberg Chair in Judaic Studies, University of Scranton
  350. Dr. Tim Shiell, Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Stout
  351. Christopher Shinn, Part-time Assistant Professor, The New School
  352. Jim Skidmore, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Idaho State University
  353. Dr. Aeon J. Skoble, Bartlett Chair in Free Speech and Expression & Co-coordinator, Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Bridgewater State University
  354. Carl Skutsch, Adjunct Faculty in Humanities and Sciences, School of Visual Arts
  355. Robert D. Sloane, Professor of Law & R. Gordon Butler Scholar in International Law, Boston University
  356. Steven Sloman, Professor, Cognitive, Linguistic, & Psychological Sciences, Brown University
  357. Alex Small, Professor of Physics, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
  358. Dr. Khalil J. Spencer, Retired Specialist and Graduate School Faculty Member, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  359. Christina M. Spiker, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art and Art History, St. Olaf College
  360. J. E. R. Staddon, James B. Duke Professor, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience Professor, Department of Biology, Emeritus, Duke University
  361. Vesper Stamper, Illustration Faculty, School of Visual Arts
  362. Charles Stanish, Professor, University of South Florida
  363. Keith E. Stanovich, Professor Emeritus of Applied Psychology and Human Development, University of Toronto
  364. Paula J. Stanovich, Professor Emerita, Portland State University
  365. William A. Starna, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, State University of New York College at Oneonta
  366. Dr. Mark Steckbeck, Associate Professor of Economics, Campbell University
  367. Dominik Stecula, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Colorado State University
  368. James Steiner-Dillon, Associate Professor of Law, University of Dayton School of Law
  369. Brendan Stern, Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Gallaudet University
  370. Kenneth Stern, Director, Bard Center for the Study of Hate
  371. Steve Stewart-Williams, Professor, University of Nottingham Malaysia
  372. Patty Stokes, Associate Professor of Instruction in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Ohio University
  373. Barry Strauss, Bryce and Edith M. Bowmar Professor in Humanistic Studies, Department of History, Cornell University
  374. Dr. Robert Streiffer, Professor, Medical History and Bioethics, School of Medicine and Public Health Philosophy, College of Letters and Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  375. Mark Sturtevant, Associate Professor of Practice, Oakland University
  376. David Sullivan, Professor of Philosophy, Metropolitan State University of Denver
  377. Nathan Sullivan, Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Franklin Pierce University
  378. Mary Szybist, Morgan S. Odell Professor of Humanities, Lewis & Clark College
  379. Peter J. Tandler, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Walsh University
  380. Sergio Tenenbaum, Professor of Philosophy, University of Toronto
  381. Douglas Theobald, Associate Professor of Biophysics and Biochemistry, Brandeis University
  382. Dr. Catherine Theobald, Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies, Brandeis University
  383. Lucas Threinen, Assistant Professor, Hamline University
  384. Roger G. Tobin, Professor of Physics, Tufts University
  385. John Tolan, Professeur d’histoire, Université de Nantes
  386. Juan C. Toledano Redondo, Professor of Hispanic Studies (WLL), Lewis and Clark College.
  387. Judith Totman Parrish, Professor of Geography and Geological Sciences and Dean of Science Emerita, University of Idaho
  388. Ari Trachtenberg, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University
  389. Kevin Tuite, Professor of Anthropology, Université de Montréal
  390. Eric Tymoigne, Associate Professor of Economics, Lewis & Clark College
  391. Brian Ulrich, Professor of History, Shippensburg University
  392. Cathy Vakil MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
  393. Andrew Van Horn, D. Keith and Margaret B. Robinson Postdoctoral Fellow in Data Science in Art, Case Western Reserve University
  394. Pekka Vayrynen, Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Leeds
  395. Erich Vieth, Professor of Law, Saint Louis University School of Law
  396. Karen Vogel, Professor Emerita, Hamline University
  397. Paul Wagner, Adjunct Instructor in Drama, University of Virginia
  398. Joel Wainwright, Professor, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University
  399. Brian Walsh, Professor of History, Los Angeles Pierce College
  400. Brandon Warmke, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University
  401. Georgia Warnke, Emerita Professor, Political Science, University of California, Riverside
  402. Ryan Wasser, Adjunct Faculty, Luzerne Community College
  403. Ginna Watson, Adjunct instructor, Hamline University
  404. Jeff Weintraub, Visiting Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College
  405. James West, Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University & Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  406. Ralph Dave Westfall, Professor Emeritus, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
  407. Lawrence T. White, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Beloit College
  408. Robert White, Dean of Faculty, American University in Bulgaria
  409. Nellie Wieland, Professor & Chair of Philosophy, California State University Long Beach
  410. Christopher Willard, Professor, School of Visual Arts, Alberta University of the Arts
  411. Cory Wright, Professor & Interim Chair of Philosophy, California State University Long Beach
  412. Andrew S. Yang, Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  413. Matt Young, Teaching Professor (Retired), Colorado School of Mines
  414. Jonathan Zimmerman, Professor of History of Education, University of Pennsylvania
  415. Gerald Zuriff, Professor Emeritus, Wheaton College