Table of Contents

Free Speech at Freshman Orientation

Research & Learn

FIRE, in partnership with New York University’s , developed a series of free-to-use modules, videos, and other resources for colleges and universities to use when teaching incoming students about their free speech rights and the principles behind the First Amendment.

An investigation by ݮƵAPP reveals that Portland’s Lewis & Clark College engaged in mandatory racial segregation in its first-year orientation program.

If you are an administrator in the field of student affairs or first-year experience and are interested in adopting the orientation program — or if you are a faculty member looking to use our materials in class — check out our FAQ on adopting the materials and reach out to us at orientation@thefire.org. ݮƵAPP and First Amendment Watch are more than happy to talk through how to best implement this program on your campus and adapt the materials to your needs!


First-Year Experience Lessons

These lessons are geared toward universities looking for resources to include in first-year experience programming or university web pages explaining student rights. Each video lesson has a corresponding written lesson for in-person administration and additional resources and activities to help students learn how to use their voices. 

YouTube thumbnail for Fire video Talking Across Differences

Video Lesson Playlist

This playlist contains all of the video versions of ݮƵAPP and First Amendment Watch’s First-Year Experience lessons. The video lessons are geared towards universities looking for resources to include in digital orientation programming or university web pages explaining student rights. 
