Protecting the free student press.
FIRE’s Student Press Freedom Initiative (SPFI) defends free press on campus by advocating for the rights of student journalists at colleges and universities across the country.
Defending student rights on college and university campuses is at the heart of the work we do at ݮƵAPP. Whether we’re helping students speak out on causes they care about, protecting campus journalism, or ensuring due process in disciplinary proceedings, ݮƵAPP has worked tirelessly on behalf of students’ civil liberties for more than 20 years.
FIRE wrote the book on student rights — in fact, we’ve written five of them. For a deep dive into specific types of college student rights that frequently need protecting or defending, check out one of ݮƵAPP’s comprehensive guides.
This guide focuses on the threat to freedom of expression posed by the imposition of speech codes.
Learn how university administrators and student judicial panels address issues of academic misdeeds and behavioral misconduct.
What are the legal and moral arguments for religious liberty on public and private college campuses.
Too often, first-year orientation sessions on college campuses are forums for intrusive sensitivity training and politically correct thought reform.
Unconstitutional and immoral funding schemes for student organizations have thwarted free speech and free association on college campuses for years.
Find out how well your school’s policies protect individual rights of students and faculty.
FIRE’s Student Press Freedom Initiative (SPFI) defends free press on campus by advocating for the rights of student journalists at colleges and universities across the country.
A community of like-minded peers makes a huge difference in supporting your rights on campus. You are not alone.
The ݮƵAPP Student Network is a coalition of students who recognize the importance of advancing civil liberties on their campuses. Signing up is free!
Ready to speak out on campus? This is your chance to learn how to ignite your rights. ݮƵAPP may also reimburse travel and lodging costs.
Higher education — and your college campus — needs healthy, rigorous, and productive conversations. Here’s how you can help.
FIRE defends the rights of students and faculty through several core services.
FIRE’s core defense program provides free assistance to individual students, professors, student media, and campus groups whose fundamental civil liberties are violated.
FIRE’s college Policy Reform team works to proactively and systematically challenge campus policies that violate students’ and faculty members’ free speech and due process rights.
Facing a university investigation? Have officials refused to share evidence or follow fair procedures? ݮƵAPP’s lawyers may be able to help.
FIRE advocates for individual rights at both the state and federal level by advocating on behalf of rights-protective legislation and against proposed laws that threaten student and faculty due process rights.
Do you believe you were wrongfully punished for your protected speech? Was your student group censored? ݮƵAPP is a student rights organization, and we may be able to help.
Student defenders know their colleges’ policies — and they know what your rights are.
When a college student is accused of violating the code of conduct, they may feel lost, anxious, and scared about their future. That’s where Student Defenders come in. These are students who are trained as conduct advisors and who work to protect the right to due process, or the right to fair treatment in a disciplinary process, for all students.
“It’s important for a student to know they have someone on their side who isn’t directly involved. We’re just there to ensure that the student is being treated fairly.” Veronica Joyce, Penn State
FIRE’s Student Defenders program recruits college students interested in helping peers accused of conduct violations navigate their school’s often-confusing disciplinary systems.
Learn more about how ݮƵAPP advocates for your rights.
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