Southwestern Community College District: Title IX Office FOIAs Student Newspaper for Unpublished Material


Southwestern College

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In a man-bites-dog turn of events, Southwestern Community College issued a public records request to its student newspaper, The Sun, demanding that the student journalists turn over unpublished video of a student government meeting. The college continued to insist that the newspaper was required to turn over the video even after a faculty advisor objected. On June 27, 2019, ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵAPP¹ÙÍø wrote to the district’s administration to explain that student newspapers are not government entities subject to California’s Public Records Act, and that student journalists have a First Amendment privilege to refuse to disclose unpublished information. On June 30, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that the college's administration had withdrawn the request on June 19, and issued an apology to the newspaper's staff on June 27.