Amherst College
Private University
Amherst, Massachusetts
Speech Code Rating
Bias Reporting
When the College is made aware of an incident or situation potentially involving identity-based bias or harm, the report will be reviewed by the Identity-Based Harm Review Team. If the review team determines that an incident report describes actions potentially indicating identity-based…
Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy
Harassment: Harassment is verbal or physical contact, or conduct using technology, that is based on a person’s protected identity and is so severe or pervasive that it has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or educational…
Community Standards: Chapter III. Select College Policies- Section 25. Posting Policy
Posting – for purposes of this policy, a “posting” includes all methods of mass-distributing information in physical or hardcopy form, including, but not limited to, posters, fliers, table tents, signs, banners, chalked messages, lawn displays, and any other methods that the college…
Community Standards: Chapter I. College Standards- Section 2. Examples of Violations to the Student Code of Conduct
2.1. Harm to Persons 2.1.1. Intentionally or recklessly causing physical or emotional harm or endangering the well-being, health, or safety of any person. 2.1.2. Any action that threatens physical or emotional harm or endangers the well-being, health, or safety of any person…
Community Standards: Chapter I. College Standards- Section 1. Amherst College Honor Code, Statement on Respect for Persons
Respect for the rights, dignity and integrity of others is essential for the well-being of a community. Actions by any persons that do not reflect such respect for others are damaging to each member of the community and hence damaging to Amherst…
Community Standards: Chapter I. College Standards- Section 1. Amherst College Honor Code, Statement of Freedom of Expression and Dissent
Amherst prizes and defends freedom of speech and dissent. It affirms the right of teachers and students to teach and learn free from coercive force and intimidation and subject only to the constraints of reasoned discourse and peaceful conduct. It also recognizes…