Ball State University
Public University
Muncie, Indiana
Speech Code Rating
Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy: Harassment, Bullying, or Cyber-bullying
Harassment, bullying, or cyber-bullying, are defined as repeated and/or severe aggressive behavior likely to or intended to intimidate, hurt, coerce, or control another person whether physically or emotionally. These behaviors include but are not limited to: creating web pages; posting photos on…
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities: Prohibited Conduct- Harassment
Conduct towards another person or identifiable group of persons that has the purpose or effect of (a) creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment, work environment, or environment for participation in a University-sponsored event or activity; (b) unreasonably interfering with a person’s…
Use of University Property for Expressive Activities
All events involving expressive activities must be scheduled and approved in advance of the event with the following exceptions: (1) an out-of-doors demonstration or assembly that is not reasonably expected to involve more than fifty (50) people; and (2) a distribution of…
Information Technology Users' Privileges and Responsibilities
Personal and Commercial Uses Not Permitted Technology resources, including Internet access through the university network, may not be utilized in ways which may be inconsistent with the university's tax-exempt status or legal obligations, such as using university systems for hosting or advertising…
Statement on Sexual Harassment
The University has adapted the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) definition of sexual harassment for our academic community: Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favor or other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature…
Bias Incident Reporting
A bias incident is a behavior or act—verbal, written, or physical—that is personally directed against or targets an individual or group based on any of the following characteristics, perceived or actual, as defined below. race color religious belief sex marital status sexual…