Christopher Newport University
Public University
Newport News, Virginia
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Student Handbook: Social Events and Functions- Major Activities
Major activities should be scheduled at least twelve (12) weeks prior to the event date to allow adequate time for planning and preparations. Major activities include; but are not limited to; events that involve alcohol, require security, or are open to the…
Student Handbook: Advertising & Posting
The Office of Orientation and Student Involvement (OSI) offers advertising and posting resources to recognized student organizations. Advertising and posting guidelines are established to aid in the distribution of in-formation throughout campus. Advertising and Postings that violate these guidelines may result in…
Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Harassment is a form of discrimination in which unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct is directed toward an individual on the basis of his or her protected characteristics or statuses (race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation…
Student Handbook: Student Code of Conduct- Obscene Conduct
Obscene Conduct is defined as conduct or expression that is lewd or indecent that is not constitutionally protected speech.
Student Handbook: Freedom of Expression
All outdoor spaces are available to students for expressive activities subject to the conditions established by this policy and any other reasonable time, place and manner restrictions as might be deemed necessary by the University. Such use of outdoor areas should be…
Student Handbook: Student Code of Conduct- Abusive Conduct
Abusive, Disorderly or Obscene Conduct Abusive Conduct is defined as actions against one's self or others that cause physical injury, intimidate, harass, threaten, or otherwise interfere with another person's rightful actions. This includes but is not limited to, verbal abuse, abuse via…