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Student Handbook: Computer Use Policy

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    Internet Usage Policies
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The following activities are forbidden ... • Viewing sexually explicit materials, unless it is verifiably part of an assignment, including on personal computing devices. • Viewing graphically violent materials, unless it is verifiably part of an assignment, including on personal computing devices…

GGC Community Guide: Acts of Intolerance

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last Updated
Acts of intolerance are behaviors that, by intent and/or outcome, harm or threaten to harm a person or group. These behaviors are motivated by prejudice toward a person or group because of their race, religion, ethnicity, abilities, national origin, gender, body size…

Student Handbook: College Regulation for Posting, Promotion and Active Distribution of Materials on Campus

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
  • Last Updated
Any Georgia Gwinnett College entity, defined as any division, department, office, academic unit, program, center, faculty, staff, or registered student organization, regulated, or supervised by GGC, may publicly post on college property in designated areas consistent with these terms and all applicable…

Student Handbook: Student Code of Conduct- Disorderly Conduct

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  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
Examples of specific prohibited actions include but are not limited to the following: ... Verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, bullying/cyber bullying, and/or other conduct that (i) threatens or endangers the health or safety of another person; (ii) puts another in reasonable…

Student Handbook: Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources

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  • Speech Code Category
    Internet Usage Policies
  • Last Updated
Examples of Misuse of Information Technology Resources ... using information technology services for unlawful purposes including fraudulent, threatening, defamatory, harassing, or obscene communications; ...

Student Handbook: GGC Freedom of Expression Policy

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
  • Last Updated
Members of the GGC community may distribute non-commercial pamphlets, handbills, circulars, newspapers, magazines, and other written materials on a person-to-person basis in open outdoor areas of the campus.